A reliable & powerful end-to-end banking solution.
Unicore's flagship product 'Synergies', has been designed and developed to meet the needs of the Islamic Financial Industry. Fully Sharia Compliant, Synergies has been built to integrate with both Islamic and Conventional Banks worldwide.
SYNERGIES provides Optimal TCO, Best ROI and Easy implementation. SYNERGIES is a 5th generation technology solution and is Synergies is built using a SOA, J2EE platform for generating business applications.
SYNERGIES is a TRUE open platform and runs on most platforms, True Open RDBMS, TRUE Open application servers and True Open Browsers; enabling clustering, fail-over, and load-balancing. Due to the advanced technology of the solution, SYNERGIES does not require local installation of the solution locally on the client machines but is accessible via thin client over browsers over LAN, WAN or VPN.
The solution provides the financial institution with an increased security and control, and supports high availability, and reliable service, with a rapid integration with the financial institution existing infrastructure and fits seamlessly into the financial institution existing technology infrastructure. The solution is completely OLTP, STP and component based architecture with Event driven architecture – allowing an extremely agile modernization.
The solution is completely web-based, supports and covers all required functions and puts the financial institution in control of the systems thanks to its agile, flexible, customizable workflows and embedded electronic data management. Moreover, the solution provides multiple touch points to enable seamless integration.
It also provide easy install and a straight through upgrades since its completely configurable and includes user Exits for additional customization, without the need to re-code the existing customizations or redo the configurations for future upgrades.
SYNERGIES Solution is component based architecture designed on micro-services and at the same time integrated software system developed specifically from the ground up to meet the specific requirements related to the Global banking requirements and in specific the Islamic banking products and services.
Advantages of Synergies Islamic Financial Solutions
Fully Sharia compliant System.
Developed based on bottom–up approach to ensure every issue related to Islamic Sharia principles have been addressed and reflected in the way the system operates hence assuring complete peace of mind to clients.
Ability to seamlessly co-exist within other core banking systems thus providing an effective and working Islamic Window for Conventional Banks.
Shorter time period for integration and implementation thus allowing banks to operate choice Islamic Modules to offer Islamic Windows to clients.
Minimal changes in operational interface allowing faster acceptance by users.
Low implementation risk based on work involved in system integration mainly.
Continuous enhancement to support the fast evolving Islamic finance industry.
Rich functionalities and customization capabilities based on Unicore's access to Islamic finance institution across multiple geographies.
Synergies supports the following instruments via a highly parameterized framework enabling
creation of different flavours, new products and product mix along with their
behaviour, financial implication, workflow, documentation and specifics: